Green Reads: Nature Book & Film Club

November 17, 2017 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Kathleen Clay Edwards Library at Price Park
1420 Price Park Dr
Greensboro, NC 27410
Melanie Buckingham

Book Club Discussion: Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver. Barbara Kingsolver returns to native ground in her fourteenth book, FLIGHT BEHAVIOR. The novel is a heady exploration of climate change, along with media exploitation and political opportunism that lie at the root of what may be our most urgent modern dilemma. Set in Appalachia, a region to which Kingsolver has returned often in both her acclaimed fiction and nonfiction, its suspenseful narrative traces the unforeseen impact of global concerns on the ordinary citizens of a rural community. As environmental, economic, and political issues converge, the residents of Feathertown, Tennessee, are forced to come to terms with their changing place in the larger world.

Hosted by PLC and the Kathleen Clay Edwards branch of the Greensboro Public Library at Price Park, this nature-themed book and film club alternates monthly with books and short films.  Light snacks will be served – everyone is welcome.

Next Green Reads Session:
December 20, 7 – 8 pm Fair Trade TED Talk videos

For more information on the fall Green Reads program: Green Reads Fall Schedule 2017.