Milkweed & Monarchs

October 1, 2016 @ 9:00 am
Greensboro Science Center
4301 Lawndale Dr
Greensboro, NC 27455
$35 PLC membership
Lynne Dardanell



Plant a milkweed garden & watch Flight of the Butterflies!
Saturday, October 1 at 9:00-11:30am

NOTE: This event is free and open to Greensboro Science Center and Piedmont Land Conservancy members only, and sign-up is required!

While most of our events are open to everyone, this special opportunity is reserved for current members of PLC and GCS. If you have made a donation to PLC in the last 12 months you are a member! Not sure if you are current? Email PLC’s Greg Keener at Know you need to renew your membership? Make your gift online or give us a call at 336-691-0088. If you are a member and wish to sign up, please do so here.

The Greensboro Science Center (GSC) and Piedmont Land Conservancy (PLC) are joining forces to increase monarch butterfly habitats. On Saturday October 1, GSC and PLC members are invited to the Greensboro Science Center for a day dedicated to monarch conservation. The monarch butterfly’s larva depends on milkweed as their sole source of food. Therefore, we’ll begin the day by planting milkweed to establish a dedicated milkweed garden to provide the resources needed to support successive generations of monarchs. After that, we will gather in the OmniSphere Theater to watch “Flight of the Butterflies”, a 3D film documenting the amazing monarch’s migration.