Hanging Rock State Park – Stokes County

Hanging Rock State Park is one of our region’s most prominent natural treasures, with its rocky cliffs, cascading waterfalls, quiet forests and striking views across the Piedmont, attracting more than 500,000 visitors each year.

When 338 acres on Flat Shoals Mountain, visible from the famous Hanging Rock Overlook, was placed on the market and threatened with cell tower construction and residential development, PLC worked quickly and purchased the tract in 2001 using our Land Protection Revolving Fund.

Flat Shoals Mountain is a significant natural heritage site providing habitat for a variety of species including NC endangered peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), NC threatened Wehrle’s salamander (Plethodon wehrei) and the NC species of special concern the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). Additionally, several caves on this property provide shelter for a variety of bat species.

PLC later transferred this tract to the N.C Department of Parks and Recreation. In 2013, PLC helped facilitate the purchase of an additional 62 acres on Flat Shoals Mountain that will open up trailhead access from Flat Shoals Road. In addition, PLC has added three other tracts to the Park, totaling 55 acres and continues to work with the Park on future acquisitions.

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Project funding provided by PLC, Hillsdale Fund, and NC Natural Heritage Trust Fund, and the NC Department of Parks and Recreation