Harding Riparian Area – Yadkin County

70 Acres

The Yadkin River brings water to thousands of people on its journey to the coast. It is an important migration corridor and habitat for birds, deer, fox, hawks and other animals with plentiful forests and rich bottomland for food and shelter. As with many North Carolina rivers, the Yadkin River has been impacted by the many land uses that occur within its watershed; hence, it and its tributaries need to be restored as well as protected.

A perfect example of the capability we have to restore riparian properties to their former glory is the Harding Riparian Area. Located on a tributary of the Yadkin River, this site was once ditched and drained for agricultural use. Today, thanks to American Wetlands, Inc., a private wetland mitigation company, these 70 acres and the stream have been restored to its natural state providing vital habitat for migrating waterfowl and songbirds and a natural filtering system to help maintain water quality.

Project funding provided by American Wetlands, Inc and the NC Department of Transportation.