125 Acres
With coveys of quail, wetlands and uplands, the Ring Wetlands Preserve is a wonderful habitat for all kinds of wildlife. Home to a former dairy farm, the Ring Preserve has been restored to its intended natural function as a wetland through a partnership with NC Department of Transportation.
As DOT builds new roads and repairs old ones, the Clean Water Act requires DOT to minimize the impact of their work on the surrounding environment, especially where wetlands are affected. The law specifically requires “no net loss of wetlands” in terms of acres and ecological function.
To comply with this law, former wetlands are acquired and restored to a functioning wetland.
Ring Wetland is such an example. To ensure that these restored wetlands are not destroyed in the future, the Army Corps of Engineers requires that a conservation easement be placed over them.
Located along the Fisher River in Surry County, the Ring wetland area was formerly ditched and drained during its use for agricultural purposes and has now been restored. This parcel represents the largest area of wetland soils in Surry County. PLC holds the conservation easement.